
진주 부근의 농업 및 식량 생산

진주는 대한민국 남동부에 위치한 도시입니다. 농업은 비옥한 토양과 온화한 기후로 유명한 진주에서 오랫동안 중요한 경제 활동이었습니다. 도시의 농업 산업은 주로 쌀, 과일 및 채소와 같은 작물 재배에 중점을 둡니다.

벼농사는 진주의 주요 농업 활동이다. 이 도시는 쌀 재배의 오랜 전통을 가지고 있으며 지역 농부들은 고품질 쌀을 생산하기 위해 현대 기술을 사용합니다. 진주의 논은 주로 도시를 둘러싼 농촌 지역에 위치하고 있으며 수확기는 보통 9월에서 10월 사이입니다.

진주의 농민들은 쌀 외에도 딸기, 감, 고추 등 다양한 과일과 채소를 재배한다. 이 작물은 작물의 종류와 계절에 따라 주로 온실이나 노지에서 재배됩니다.

진주의 농부들은 전통 농법과 현대 농법을 조합하여 농작물을 재배합니다. 윤작과 유기 비료와 같은 전통적인 기술은 여전히 일반적으로 사용되는 반면 관개 시스템과 정밀 농업 방법과 같은 현대 기술도 점점 더 대중화되고 있습니다.

전반적으로 농업은 진주의 경제와 문화의 중요한 부분입니다. 도시의 농부들은 다양한 전통 및 현대 기술을 사용하여 고품질 작물을 생산하기 위해 열심히 노력하고 있으며, 그들의 노력은 지역 경제를 지원하고 진주와 그 밖의 사람들에게 신선하고 건강한 음식을 제공하는 데 도움이 됩니다.

Sister Cities International Still Accepting 2023 Applicants



From Sister Cities International:

Consistent with the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda, Sister Cities International will continue to embrace climate change as the overarching theme for its 2023 Young Artists and Authors Showcase. For this competition, SCI is proud to invite youth from member communities to submit innovative, thoughtful, and impactful creations that emphasize various aspects of food security, including the impact of climate change on food production and food consumption, in their own communities.

As a leading nonprofit, citizen diplomacy organization, Sister Cities International has been promoting peace through mutual understanding since its origins in 1956. Food has been one of the core pillars of sister cities’ cultural understanding – food is a universal language that unites us.

As food unites us, the unrelenting struggle of food security, or a lack thereof is an issue that all communities face. The ongoing environmental changes continue to impact locals and their access to nutrition. This makes the importance of raising awareness more essential every day and youth leadership is a necessary tool to help tackle these circumstances felt around the globe.

클릭 here to learn more.

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MAY 1, 2023

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Oregon Health Authority


It is not necessary for you to report your positive test result to OHA.

Whether or not you have symptoms, stay home and separate from others for five days. Continue to isolate from others until you have been fever free for 24 hours and other symptoms are improving. Wear a mask around others for an additional five days.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Eugene-Jinju Sister City Committee

Celebrating 58 years of Friendship

Eugene, Oregon, USA and Jinju, South Korea have been in a sister city partnership since 1961.

Eugene-Jinju Sister City Committee celebrating 58 years of friendship at Hendricks Park, Eugene, Oregon, USA.

You can read more about our History here, as the first sister city to be established in the Republic of Korea in 1961.

유진과 진주는 1961 년 1 월 10 일에 자매 도시가되었습니다

Explore Nature

Immersing oneself in nature is a wonderful way to experience the diverse landscapes and natural wonders of Oregon. From the rugged coastlines of the Pacific Ocean to the majestic peaks of the Cascade Range, Oregon is a state that offers a wealth of opportunities for outdoor exploration and adventure.

 By hiking, camping, and exploring the state’s many national parks, forests, and wilderness areas, we can gain a deeper appreciation for the unique beauty and biodiversity of Oregon. We can marvel at the power and grace of the Columbia River as it cuts through the Columbia River Gorge, or witness the stunning diversity of wildlife in the high desert of Eastern Oregon. Moreover, spending time in nature can help us connect with the rich cultural history of the state, from the traditions of the Native American tribes who have lived in Oregon for thousands of years to the stories of the pioneers and explorers who helped shape the state’s identity. Whether we are exploring the rugged coastline, hiking through ancient forests, or summiting a snow-capped peak, immersing ourselves in nature can be a transformative experience that helps us to understand and appreciate the unique beauty of Oregon.


Sightseeing is a great way to experience the unique charm and character of Eugene, Oregon. Known as the “Emerald City” for its lush greenery and natural beauty, Eugene offers a range of cultural and historical attractions for visitors to explore. By visiting museums, art galleries, and historical landmarks, we can gain a deeper understanding of the city’s rich cultural heritage and unique identity. The Museum of Natural and Cultural History, for example, provides an in-depth look at the region’s geological history and indigenous cultures, while the Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art showcases an impressive collection of contemporary and historic works of art. Sightseeing can also allow us to experience the city’s stunning beauty, such as the serene beauty of the Eugene Masonic Cemetery.  Sightseeing in Eugene is a memorable and enriching experience that allows us to appreciate the unique character and beauty of this dynamic city.
